A short version of the text was published in magazine Mettis 2/2024 (publication of the Norwegian Forest Cat Association). Now, exceptionally, the entire text & our own writing is published in our blog for visiting writers.


The Kissapuu (cat tree in Finnish) online store was opened on September 28, 2017 (a day before my hand surgery), so the 7th birthday is expected in the fall. Many things have happened in the past years, of which the absolute best thing is getting to know many wonderful cat people and cats both in Finland and abroad. The world of values ​​with which we started has been further strengthened and deepened.

I have been a regular cat owner since 1995. Over the years, domestic and foreign cat climbing and scratching posts have been tested using three cats. When we were in that situation again after a couple of years, that the then climbing tree had come to the end of its life cycle, I googled, searched and searched the market. Where could you find a climbing tree that would fulfill the cats' need for scratching and climbing, and at the same time would be high-quality, durable, sturdy and take up little space? I had often heard that trees take up a lot of space and dominate the living room. Absolutely true, and none of them fit the decor, even though we don't live in a designer home. And those plush fabrics that couldn't be removed for washing. More than once, a frightening sight was witnessed, when a cat fell with a tree while going wild.

I also found it painful that when the delivery arrived, there were a bunch of parts in the box, from which I had to assemble the product shown in the product image with vague or difficult to understand instructions. Often a screw or a hole was missing or it took a lot of brains to figure out the complicated mechanics to tighten the pole from the floor to the ceiling.

Around the same time, I followed the work of my friend who recently founded an online store. A thought crept into my mind: could the cat's climbing tree be a stylish, customizable piece of furniture suitable for the interior? Why not start making the product myself and set up an online store? Puzzle: how could a female person who has worked in an office, who has not even had wood and metal crafts as an elective at school, start making wood? There were no tools either. Through my friend, I got to know a designer carpenter who was enthusiastic about the idea. We started developing the product in the spring of 2017. During the summer, Sissi and Smirre had to work as test climbers for different prototypes. Now, over the years, the product has been developed with the help of customer feedback into what I think is the right product and what many others think. The stars were aligned at that time in the spring of 2017, my grandfather's saying was true: things tend to work out. Jaakko and I collaborated to create a cat climbing and scratching tree, which is sturdy and can be assembled by yourself, and no drill is needed. A cat tree that stands up to looks and time. And is as environmentally friendly as possible.

Upholsterer Alina was also found, with whom the cat tree sleeping cushions were designed. A suitable fabric was found at Borås Cotton in Sweden. The talented Alina moved to Kuusivaara to upholster Aalto furniture, so now all Kissapuu's textiles are made by Matleena.

I started to complete my first degree in digital marketing at the beginning of 2018, with the second degree in 2019-2020 I wanted to strengthen my skills. I am a living example of the fact that a person over 50 can learn new things in many fields: setting up an online store (yes, with the help of webshop platform provider's boys and friends, I made my first store), social media marketing, logistics, production, etc. Of course, all my previous work experience was useful. It was clear from the beginning that we had to look abroad as well, because Finland as a market area is small.


1. Ageless design, functionality & environmental responsibility

The product must be made to stand the test of time, so its design must be simple, timeless and clear, and the materials must be durable. All parts must be combined to form a unified whole. When, during the ordering phase, the customer can customize the composition of Kissapuu cat tree and choose the materials that best suit their own home, the lifespan of the interior and furniture-like product is extended. The wearing parts, i.e. the felt and the rope, must be replaceable. These can be found in our online store as spare parts. Let's cover chairs and sofas too. And if the room height changes during the move, it is enough for the customer to purchase a new upper end of the pole. The whole tree or bar does not need to be renewed.

In the beginning, even the ELY center (an organisation to support entrepreneurs) was asked if it was worth making a product that would last a long time and there would be no repeat purchases. I often answered with a counter question: shouldn't all products be made to last a long time, can we afford anything else? Responsibility has risen in value, and no one (dare) ask the same question anymore.

All materials, i.e. wood, rope, metal and textiles (with the exception of Börås Cotton's fabric), come from Finland or from Finnish suppliers. There are no plastic or cardboard parts. The metal pole is anti-rust treated and practically eternal, but can be recycled, like wooden platforms and sleeping pads. High-quality materials last in use and are already more ecological as they are. For our part, we strive to reduce the disposable culture and the burden on the environment.  All raw materials are used as accurately as possible. For example, packaging materials are reused, and packaging waste from other entrepreneurs (such as upholster's cardboard rolls) is also utilized where possible.

The metal pole was the only sturdy and reasonable option from the point of view of its durability. Although a long pole causes logistical challenges, especially in foreign trade, a wooden bar would weigh even more. We often wonder if a narrow bar can be pleasant for cats, but it is. I think the idea that cats need a thick pole is largely due to the fact that there are generally thicker poles on the market because they are made of cardboard or plastic parts, in which case there needs to be more surface area for durability. After all, cats climb on the narrow branches of trees even when they are outside. People also pole dance with narrow poles.

I belong to the generation born in the 60's and 70's, which with prosperity has become accustomed to constantly buying everything new, because it has become accustomed to always acquiring new things. It's a habit. Since the change has to come from within myself, I have consciously "stopped" myself to consider whether I definitely need the product in question when I have seen a picture of the product that triggered the purchase impulse or read about something new. I usually don't need to. Nowadays, I am careful that I only buy high-quality goods, preferably made in Finland. I like to support small domestic producers, and I never ask for discounts, because as a small entrepreneur I know how much hard work every euro is behind. An Association for Finnish Work, whose Kissapuu products meet the criteria for the Design from Finland mark, has a good campaign based on researched information: if every Finn bought €10 more domestically produced products or services, 10,000 more new jobs would be created. €10 is less than what a meal in a lunch restaurant costs. This goes with every other European or Western country.

The cat tree is not for human use, but the wall shelves and ladders were made with the idea that if for some reason the cat does not feel comfortable on the shelf, the shelf can be used to store decorative objects, flowers or books, for example (the exception is our igloo shelf, which is preferred by cats). No unnecessary holes in the walls. In general, cats' wall climbing elements cannot be used for other purposes, and they are often not very representative in terms of interior design. The food stands were made in such a way that all the food bowls already at home are suitable for the stands. Levels can also be used for agility. One customer sent a picture: the man had set up a table for serving fruit.

Responsibility in the back of my mind, I took the goat skins to the store, even though I know animal materials arouse emotions and opposition. I am a staunch opponent of fur farming, but the goats on the organic cheese farm are not bred for their skins. But, when the animal naturally dies due to age or stillbirth, it would be a terrible waste and lack of appreciation to throw away the wonderful skins, which are a joy for both cats and humans. In the old days, everything was used from the animal. The first pulleys brought home are still in use for the fifth year. The skin is also a great product for chairs or the floor, because it naturally repels dirt and does not collect dust - unlike synthetic materials.

Tassel toys have gained great popularity among cats, and it must be pretty hard to get the toy in question in pieces. Sewing skins into sleeping pads requires patience from the upholsterer and machines that can withstand thick leather. The organic cheese farm, where we go to pick up the goat skins, gets a cover of €5 per skin. We get the same amount after the pickup costs and the photographer's fees (a professional photographer takes a picture of each fur) have been calculated. 24% value added tax is paid to the state for each product sold (ie a quarter of the price of the product!!). However, it wouldn't be more responsible, for example, to burn the beautiful skins and instead get fleece beds produced in the Far East as cat beds, from which microplastics come off when washed.

Lots of toys are bought for cats. I think they should also be as durable as possible; quality over quantity. Get domestically made ones or make your own, e.g. the @puusti_ja_berlioz Instagram account (mention permission requested) has excellent tips for making cat toys. The cat values ​​the time together the most.

3. Social responsibility

The makers of Kissapuu products are e.g. professionals in design, upholstery and carpentry skills who are paid an appropriate salary for the work done. We also offer work to several other small or sole proprietors, such as graphic designers, web designers, photographers, IT support, etc., participating in the creation of domestic welfare by paying all business-related fees and taxes to Finland.

95% of Finnish entrepreneurs are solo or micro-entrepreneurs, which is often forgotten in social discussion. We employ ourselves and offer jobs to many others. Recently, the Chinese state-owned online store Temu and also the Chinese Shein have been doing harsh marketing, and the operating methods of the stores have (fortunately!) been more widely discussed. I heard about a case where a young influencer was offered €8,000 as a reward for introducing and recommending the store's fast fashion on TikTok. Purchases are presented on social media. I would like people to think more carefully about what they buy and from where. If there is no information about the owners in the online store or they do not appear under their own name, think about why this is the case (also applies to domestic online stores).

Even in Finland, there are still many online stores that source their products or raw materials from the Far East or other countries with low production costs. If, for example, a bracelet is bought for 50 cents, but sold here for 40 euros, there is quite a margin. Even with a 50% discount sale, the margin is still nice. My example is a real case: a successful Finnish company selling lifestyle products that manufactures and procures all its products this way.

It is impossible to succeed in comparing the production costs, and the margin of the customized order product is not the same as in the previous example anyway. If there was, the price would be something else, and then even fewer cats would get a sturdy cat tree as their favorite place. I understand people's financial challenges very well, because we too struggle with constantly rising material and other costs (at the expense of our own salary). I would like consumers to think about these things more: where the product is made, whether environmental issues have been taken care of, I don't buy the handiwork of children. Preferably buy products made in the EU or in other countries where you know responsibility issues are regulated by law. If the product is very affordable (even if it is made in Finland), the raw materials must be cheap. I wonder why?

With the same ideology as goat skins, our shop has toys made by African craftsmen. I have not been able to visit the place, although it has been requested. I have discussed a lot with the company owner about what the employees are paid and what their working conditions are like. You can't be completely sure based on the pictures either. The purchase price of the toys is not a "ridiculous price", so I hope that the creators are paid fairly. Our own margin is negligible after freight and customs fees. The best thing: cats seem to like the toys.

To my delight, I have noticed that younger consumers in particular are making choices that support responsible consumption, and the thinking seems to be spreading to all age groups. Domesticity is valued. Employees' tax euros, company taxes and value added tax are paid for what is done in Finland for the common benefit of all of us. Each of us can make an impact with our choices. And it should. We all want our own work to be appreciated, but do we know how to appreciate the work done by others?

3. Excellent customer service – for all members of the cat home

In addition to a high-quality product, we want to provide first-class service. Our goal is an excellent customer experience from planning the order after the product arrives at home.

A couple of times in my previous "climbing tree life" I had to contact customer service: what to do when the level is missing a hole that should be there according to the instructions or there were not enough screws included. The instruction was: you can return the product and get a new one instead. Since it would have been laborious to completely dismantle the wood, I did not return the product either time, but they were used as long as they lasted. I also wonder what happens to the returned products: will they be sold again or will they go to waste?

If you order a Kissapuu product, we will make sure that the installation has gone well for the tree: I will call all the customers who bought it in Finland, an email will be sent to the world. If there are problems with setting up the pole, the customer receives a video clip. 98% don't need this because the installation is so easy. Our clear instructions have received praise. If a screw is missing or there is another problem due to manufacturing, the matter will be fixed quickly. If the customer has accidentally ordered the wrong room height, the matter can usually be corrected. The problem has largely gone away, because room height information was added as a mandatory question to the shop, so at least it is a hint that you should measure instead of guessing.

Calling customers is strange to some, but 2/3 are happy with the call and we might talk longer about "cat things".  What's nicer than that. The best thing is to receive praiseful feedback about the product: "the wood is even more beautiful live than in the pictures". Abroad I try to reach customers by email or by instagram.

We thank our customers, including four-legged ones, for pictures, reviews or social media posts with a small letter.

I want customers to be served as I would like to be served myself. In the end, it's about very small things.

4. Well-being and valuing cats

We all have animal friends with whiskers and tails in our homes. Activating animals, enabling species-typical activity and well-being is important to us. Increasing the appreciation of cats is important, so we cooperate with Finnish animal protection associations, e.g. Dewi ry, Hesy ry, Kissakummmit ry and Cats' Disaster Association as well as breed cat associations. 

All Kissapuu product makers have either cats, dogs or rabbits. Animal welfare is really important. We support both animal welfare associations and breed cat associations, e.g. with product donations or advertisement marketing or we purchase our products for our customers (€3165 in 2023). Every customer of ours who has bought from Kissapuu knows that the delivery comes with an animal protection association card or a calendar at the turn of the year.

Cat trees with cosmetic flaws have been donated to various animal protection associations for their auctions. This makes it possible to get Kissapuu cat tree at a lower price. It is clear that the purchase of Kissapuu is a big investment, but in the long run, Kissapuu will be cheaper than repeated purchases every two or three years (not to mention the amount of trash). Our shop has the option of installment payments (unfortunately Finland only). For these payment options, the merchant pays a higher commission to the payment intermediaries, but we hope that this will make the acquisition of Kissapuu possible for more people.  In accordance with the Lundia way of thinking, you can later acquire more levels for the tree. In the beginning, you can therefore get a pole or one level. The most important thing for a cat is the possibilities of climbing, scratching and stretching and access to a high place to observe the environment. This is not possible in low (scratching) trees.

In Kissapuu's blog for visiting writers, we publish interesting articles from veterinarians, activation trainers and others related to the life and well-being of cats. You can travel perfectly with a cat, and the cat can accompany you on service home visits. Through our own channels, we try to raise awareness about living with and caring for cats (coming in English soon).


I make an order for the boys 1-2 times a week. We used to be in the same premises, but after the company moved to Naantali (it was previously in Kaarina), we realized that a packaging warehouse in Turku is necessary because of our logistics partners. In addition, sleeping mats, toys, etc. are stored in the warehouse. Products leave from us with Matkahuolto to Finland and abroad on PostNord and GLS bikes or on Fedex flights.

The daily life of an online retailer revolves around order deliveries, social media and other marketing, material procurement, online store maintenance, customer contact and financial management tasks. In particular, reaching international customers and target groups and making our products known is challenging. Marketing costs a lot, and there are no external financiers involved, but everything is done with income financing. We push forward persistently. Last November we were at a fair in Stockholm. Now the eye is on the trade fair in Germany.

I dare to say that my job is almost the best in the world: I get to sell and deliver the world's best cat tree and other cat furniture to customers all over the world, and at the same time be in contact with so many cat owners and their cats. Can there be a more fun job?

Online store, Kissapuu entrepreneur, Satu Suhonen and carpenters Harri, Jaakko and Jarno






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1 kommentti

What an amazing story! We love your brand and everything kissapuu stands for !

Love from the Netherlands 🇳🇱!

Sdk Siderius

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